Videos - True Kindness




Many of us have thought to ourselves; without money, how are we able to help others? Buddha once has said, "We have a few things. The face, which can give a smile. Mouth, speak only words of kindness. Heart, it can open up to others (love and forgiveness). Eyes, look for the good in others. Ears, for compassion and open to listening. Body, which can be used to help others (volunteers). " Remember, money is not everything, but happiness is. Having a pure heart and mind is more important than any other things. Here are my favorite videos of showing incredible acts of kindness that can change someone's day or the world:  

The Power of True Kindness
What does this guy get in return for doing this every day? He gets nothing. He won't be richer. Neither become famous nor appear on TV, but staying anonymous. What he does receive are emotions. He witnesses happiness and reaches a deeper understanding. In the end, he receives love from others which money cannot buy. 

Simple Acts of Kindness
A simple act of kindness found me. A simple of kindness saved me. A simple act of kindness brought me home. Oh, I don't know if you could see. There was a soul inside of me. If not for the kindness of a friend. 

"Being rich is not about how much you have, but how much you give." Somehow, when you give, you will be happier. This Boy never saw his dad as an inspiration. Until he found out his big secret which helping and bringing smiles to other's faces. A son confronts the resentment towards his father only to realize his true intentions.

Giving Is The Best Communication
 A small act of kindness shows more than words can do. The veggie soup and painkillers meant everything to the boy at that time. However, the soup man continues helping out those in need with small acts of kindness, he eventually receives help (karma?) when he needed it most. The surgery meant the world to him and his daughter, just as the small act of giving the boy vegetable soup and two packs of painkillers. The boy's mother might have died without that small act of charity on the soup man’s part, but looking at the result of the ad, his mom probably survived since he was so thankful as to give a free surgery to spread the kindness.
~  A small act of kindness means more thank you think: Be kind, always! 

If We Could See Inside Others' Heart
We ALL have our story. Others have theirs. We NEVER know. And to treat others with the benefit of the doubt, with courtesy, with compassion, with respect.